Air Fryer London Broil

I love my air fryer. I’ve been experimenting with all different recipes. One I’ve done a few times already is London Broil. London Broil roast is like a big lean steak, that’s how I see it. It’s got very little fat. It’s usually about 12 inches long and 2 inches thick. When it’s cooked properly it can come out delicious. It’s a great lean protein. It’s perfect on it’s own, or used in a salad, quesadilla, tacos you name it!

The meat can get a little tough, so you want to try and cook it to a lower temperature and then watch it from there. Give this London Broil a try and you won’t regret it!

Air Fryer London Broil

1 London broil, 2 lbs
1 T olive oil
1 t garlic powder
1 t onion powder
1 t steak seasoning
1/2 t salt
1/2 t pepper

Directions: Preheat air fryer at 400°. Rub the London broil with the oil and season with above seasonings on both sides. Add the London broil to the Air Fryer rack or basket. (Note: I have an air fryer oven with a rack.)

Cook the mean at 400° for 13-15 minutes flipping half way. Check the temp with an instant read thermometer. 135° for medium rare and 145° for medium to well. Let the mean rest at least 5-7 minutes before slicing. Serve with horseradish sauce if you’d like and your favorite sides. Great for leftovers!
